Here is some info on our next youth group series on the Gospel and Race, starting May 3.

“After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb.” -Rev. 7:9
This is but one of many verses describing the beauty of a unified multiethnic People of God, diverse in culture, land, and language, but unified in their adoption into God’s family through Jesus Christ.
This promise was made to Abraham: “All the families on earth will be blessed through you” (Gen. 12:3). And in several places in Scripture, these people, unified by Jesus, are said to bring their unique and beautiful culture with them into the Kingdom of God and New Creation. This is called the “glory of the nations” (Rev. 12:26). What a beautiful tapestry weaved by Scripture!
Sadly, we are far from that biblical ideal. The sins of racism and prejudice have had their vile grip on humanity for centuries, and we have made idols of safety, order, power, wealth, comfort, and success, instead of living out God’s commandments to love Him above all and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Starting Wednesday May 3rd, we will be starting a 5-week series on the Gospel and Race. In this series of conversations, students will join Mira, our Hispanic young adult volunteer, and me as we explore: Understanding our own ethnic heritage and social location and how that influences our life experiences, the meaning of “whiteness,” race in light of the Gospel, immigration, and racial healing. I’ll be giving them “homework” that I hope will be fun and meaningful, and I invite you to participate with them!
Jesus came into the world to reconcile the world to Himself and to reconcile formerly hostile communities to one another (Eph. 2; 2 Cor. 5), and he has entrusted that ministry of reconciliation to the Church. Truth be told, the American church hasn’t always done a good job. But I’m encouraged by examples of spiritual leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., who, through courageous obedience, led a Spirit-powered movement of God’s people toward racial healing. This is still the call of the Church.
It’s a challenging and diverse topic and I would be more than happy to field any questions you may have.
See you Wednesday!